Body Treatments

Intralipotherapy/deso body fat dissolving injection is a potent purified form of the fat dissolving chemical. It is very often administered using a long cannula and works by inducing adipocytolysis via disruption of the membrane. Suitable for people with a BMI of less than 30 and needs to be in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle.

The Vela 360 body contouring machine reduces cellulite on the thighs, tummy and upper arms with a combination of radio frequency, infra-red and rolling vacuum. Which work to break down the cells is non-invasive and requires 6-8 sessions for progressive skin improvement - needs to be in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle.

Microslerotherapy is a technique used for the removal of surface and spider veins. It involves injections with a very fine needle of a sclerosing drug which irritates the lining of the veins causing the walls to stick together.